Umpire (Baseball and Softball)
"We find comfort among those who agree with us -- growth among those who don't" -- Frank Howard Clark
I have been umpiring baseball for 10 plus years (and 4 years Softball). I am starting this page to keep track of some notes that I make to myself and some links that I commonly use to keep current on rules, mechanics, equipment, and organizations.
- Continued to increase my high school softball presence. I am becoming very selective as to schools however. This year only Sun Prairie (baseball and softball) and Monona Grove (softball). Oh and a couple for Oregon (Softball).
- This summer I declined Cottage Grove Legion and Babe Ruth in Middleton. I will miss these but I have to keep my June schedule open for work at the farm.
- Doing Verona Mid Summer Classic tournament againthis year. I work with my Son on these games and these chances are getting rare as he has less time for Umpiring.
- I worked a couple double-headers for South Central Girls Softball League (SCGSL). The first game
was for U10 (ten-year-old) teams and I worked behind the plate. (For those who are not familiar with this game; the spirit, enthusiasm, and pure joy that is typical of girl's softball is contagious and it is one of the reasons that I've been shifting away from umpiring baseball. ) At one point during the game it struck me that these girls are now the same age as my daughter was when she died in 1984. I thought about how much these girls are like her and how much she would have loved to play softball. And, I thought about how much things have changed in the past 30 years. There was no softball in schools, or in the community, at that time. Chelsea was the fastest kid in her 4th grade class at school - boy or girl, And she loved Little League baseball. But after T-Ball there wasn't really anything for girls to do in sports. But that has changed dramatically since then. And, for a moment - between pitches - I thought about how grateful I am to be a small part of making this great activity available to these kids.
Chelsea Baker died thirty years ago this month. For 10 years she showed us how to love unconditionally, and how to embrace life and everything in it. She is still very much alive in the hearts of everyone who knew her. - More high school softball. Down to three schools now: Sun Priairie, Monona Grove, and Beloit.
- Summer ball with Cottage Grove Legion. This is a fun league and the players have a good time and are well coached.
- Actually took two weeks off in June which cut into Little League mainly.
- Had to sit out Verona Mid Summer Classic tournament this year. Conflicting schedule.
- District 4 Little League U11's at Waupun. District 4 League U10's at Madison East. 18 games total.
- Nearly 100 games this year even with the two week break. Added some softball summer leagues and stayed with a couple legion leagues (both jr. and sr. )
- No Madison Senior Softball league this year.
- No more home talent.
- More high school softball. Down to three schools now: Sun Priairie, Monona Grove, and Beloit.
- Actually took two weeks off in June which cut into Little League mainly.
- Worked Verona Mid Summer Classic tournament. Still one of my favorites even thought this year it was very hot!!! Still got in 9 games that weekend with the U10 boys baseball. Keep hydrated.
- District 4 Little League U11's at Waupun. District 4 League U10's at Madison East. 18 games total.
- Nearly 100 games this year even with the two week break. Added some softball summer leagues and stayed with a couple legion leagues (both jr. and sr. )
- In Little League it's illegal for the players to wear any jewelry - even these woven cord necklace and bracelets. Here are some sites to learn how to make these. (hey, I know - but they are kinda cool. )
- This may be the last year I do Madison Senior Softball league. I've been doing this since the league started (only remaining charter ump). But this is four hours of standing in the hot sun for relatively little pay. I enjoy working with these guy - and they treat me well - but it's just not worth it. it is what it is.
- Cancer treatment that shortened my 2010 season (chemo and surgury) was successful. Looking forward to 2011 season.
- Attended Spring WIAA Softball Umpire Clinic in Waunakee.. These are a great way to learn rules (coming from baseball.) and the WIAA bumps you up a level for attendance.
- over 110 games worked this year and fall-ball is just starting.
- I'm done with Home Talent league. Working this league over the years has taught me much - working with experienced umpires and quality play. This year it seems like more of the players, coaches, (and sometimes the fans) want to be jerks and whine about everything. This forces the umpires to stoop to their level - something I'm not willing to do. I have plenty of work in the highschool and Little League level games where everyone involved is more mature.
- Verona Mid-summer Classic invitational tournament.Three days and 10 games worked on the U10 field - most games working with Jordan. This is always a great experience for all involved.
- Wisconsin District 4 LL tournaments at East Madison, Verona, and Wisconsin Dells.
- Wisconsin State LL tournament for U10 at West Madison and JR/SR at East Madison.
- This is the first year I've worked at Hitter Sports Complex, Middleton, WI as an umpire for both weekly league baseball and weekend tournaments.
- Registered with WIAA for Softball
- Attended Umpire Clinic at Steven's Point, WI.
- Freshman, Junior Varcity and Varcity baseball umpire for WIAA
- District 04 - Wisconsin, Junior and Senior Level Baseball.
- Returned to umpire for Home Talent League - adult wood bat league.
- First year of the new Greater Madison Senior Softball League. I am one of four umpires working these weekly games.
- Little League baseball and softball whenever I can fit a game in. All levels from U10 Softball to Senior League baseball.
- American Legion Baseball.
- ASA Summer Softball.
- Wisconsin District 4 tournament series.
- Season ended abruptly (for me) due July diagnosis of bladder cancer.
2014 Highlights:
I had planned to retire this year but Sun Prairie asked me to do a couple invitationals (JV Softball and JV baseball). I couldn't turn down this honor so I filled up my schedule in order to prepare for these tournaments. I didn't want to try to do these games 'cold'.2013 Highlights:
2012 Highlights:
2011 Highlights:
2010 highlights:
Some web links of interest:
- Association memberships:
- WIAA Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association - regulates all sports officials. .
- ASA Softball Wisconsin association.
- NFHS National Federation of State High School Associations.
- NFHS Officials Association NFHS Membership required.
- ABUA (American Baseball Umpire's Assoc.) Member for past 5 years - 10% off purchases at Honig's - Insurance.
- Little League Registry. Member for past two years - not sure why I spend the money.
- Wisconsin Little League District 04 umpires.
- High School
- WIAA Official's Center..
- Athletix site (replaced Ref Ranking Site) Manage schedules and monitor rankings.
- Little League
- Wisconsin District 4 District web site
- East Madison LL
- Kennedy LL
- Verona Little League.
- Sun Prairie Little League.
- Equipment and supplies:
- Honig's buy most (all) equipment here.
- Gerry Davis
- Other
- GMSS League Greater Madison Senior Softball